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Prakaran 3.0

Corporate Month

Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), Hyderabad, Telangana

Prakaran 3.0: Stages and Timelines

All that you need to know about Prakaran 3.0

Prakaran by Shodh the Case Research Wing of Club Prayaas, The Official Inter B-School and Corporate Events Club of IBS Hyderabad!

Write an article on any of the following topics of your choice and the best ones will be featured in the Annual Magazine of Club Prayaas Prakaran.

Topics (Choose any one):

  • The Rise of AI: Robots to soon replace humans?
  • The “Brain Drain” situation: A concern for the Indian economy? 
  • The future is green: Why ESG matters in new-age tech

Submission Deadline: 13th November 2022 IST, 11:59 PM


  • Individual entries only allowed.
  • 0% plagiarism accepted, sources and references to be clearly mentioned.
  • Word Limit: 800-900 Words
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12
  • PDF format only
  • Article is to be submitted at

File Format: Participant Name_College (For eg. Rahul Gupta_IBS Hyderabad)

Rewards and Prizes: Winner will get INR 3000/-, an opportunity to get featured in the club’s annual magazine, and Flight ticket scholarship to Singapore to attend ISET 2023 (Winners and Runner Ups)!


What are the important dates & deadlines?

Rewards and Prizes